Friday, April 22, 2016

The whole idea of control…

I have been thinking about the idea of control…
If you are like me, and I like to think I’m fairly normal, I truly like to control a lot of things in life.
The problem with that is, that I spend a variety of time trying to figure out just how to do that.
You can make plans, and have plans, and set up schedules… and then see what happens.
Sometimes I am happily surprised that everything goes according to the plan…. BUT often that may not be the case.
Flexibility… I think that must be key.
I have decided that I need to work on that more…
I know some people who are quite good at that.
They roll with life, they don’t let too much stress them out, and they seem to do quite well…
If you’re reading this right now… are you one of those people?
Or… are you more like me? 
Secretly wanting to be able to control lots of life?  Trying to sound wise and Zen when you talk with others, or even say, write a blog?
I try to counsel others to enjoy life, not stress too much, let go, smell the roses all that stuff.
Of course, all of that is great and when you can do it… BRAVO!!
Yet, if you truly are a closet control freak, (I think many of us are) or just a plain out in the open control freak… ask yourself this question…
Does it make life better, or does it make you crazy?
I’m beginning to think it makes me crazy…
Maybe I can redefine control like this:
C- confident
O- optimistic
N- nice
T- thankful
R- relaxed
O- open minded
L- loving
When I think about the word like this… it takes on a different meaning.
This kind of control might just work for me…
We’ll see…

Until next time,

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