Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Growth Mindset

Hi All!

I can not take credit for the title today....

Just wanted to suggest that the whole purpose of parenting is to help our kids grow into healthy competent people.

Also, we want to continue to grow and set a good example and love ourselves well, so that our kids can see how to evolve throughout all of life.

So, to that end, I want to share a book.  My daughter, Megan, who I believe is an educator and person extraordinaire, suggested this title to me.

Last weekend we, as a family, spent a lot of time talking.  Members of our family were waiting on some news, and it was a long weekend.  I can say that thankfully, all is well and I am extremely grateful!  Through the process of waiting and not being able to do anything except talk and in our case, pray, Megan shared this book.  I highly recommend it.

All of us struggle I think, at times and to that end, I found this so helpful and educational and growth oriented, because that is what we all strive for... to become.  For our kids to become the people they are meant to be, and for us to both help them get there, and evolve well ourselves.

The book is "mindset"  by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D

Happy growing...

Until next time,

Friday, February 14, 2014



I just need to say that when you are a parent, love is all they need.

When you love your children well, you can not make the world perfect for them, no matter how much you hoped you could.   You can, though always let them know they are never alone.  You are there, always.

Happy Valentines...

Until next time,