Saturday, November 22, 2014

Being Thankful and Giving...


This next week is Thanksgiving and I am thinking it's a great chance to model what "thankful" and "giving" mean to our kids.

So, instead of getting all caught up in only
the food part, maybe it would be a great time to do something for another family, start a new tradition, give to someone else, or just express what you are thankful for.

Maybe you and your kids can pick something you are thankful for and pay that forward to someone else...

Maybe your kids could help and give of their time to someone who needs it... let's say an older neighbor or family member that might be having a hard time...a friend who may need some help...

Maybe you can make a list of all that each family member is thankful for, and read it before dinner on Thursday...

Or, maybe it is as simple as telling your kids how great they are, (sure not all the time) how thankful you are for them, how much you appreciate how unique and different each of them are ( if you have more than one) and then tell them they are the best part of your life.

I bet if each of us take time to really be thankful and give of ourselves, Thanks and Giving could be revolutionized... in a really meaningful way!

Have a great holiday!

Until next time,


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dream Chasers...


In New York it seems you can do just about anything!

My husband and I are in New York for a week.  Our kids are all here as are our two grandchildren... so that is a great draw to this city... 

"Dream Chasers" is the title to this post as I think about what our kids are doing, and all that the two little ones are doing, the tiniest, Miss Josie, I think her dreams are simple, milk and hugging...she loves to be held and I of course indulge!

All of our children chose New York which was interesting for us,  Anne first, Meg second, one time 8 years ago and now, and Bill four years ago.

I wonder if this city is a life force of it's own that draws people in, because as the song says, "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere..."

As our kids were growing up, we set the idea in motion that life, their lives, were theirs to design.   We expected them to do well in school, be responsible, be kind and empathetic human beings, do the right thing and give back to the world.  We also expected them to follow their own paths, choose their own dreams and work hard to make them a reality.  

They all have... and continue to.

In all the discussion on families and parenting today, I continue to believe that helping your kids find their own way, providing opportunities for them to find the paths that interest and inspire them, will lead them to a life with meaning and joy.  Sure, no one's life is perfect or great all the time, but if we help our kids find the dreams that inspire them, and the ways to achieve them, I believe we will have done our children a great service.

So, when you kiss your kids goodnight tonight... just ask.. "Hey...what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Our son, Bill, wanted to make movies from the time he was 5 years old. Today we helped him design  a business plan for his next steps.  He is planning to be a Steady Cam Operator...

Dreams... they are worth chasing!

Until next time,
