Monday, July 21, 2014

P.G. or... aka personal growth


I had lunch with a good friend last week. We were catching up.

I value this relationship.  She and I have had very different paths.  She was in the corporate world and quite successful, and I was in the educational / service world and would argue that I did a good job there.

The point of today is, that from the time we bring our babies home, from the time our parents brought us as their babies home, is to grow.  Growth in all ways. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, experiential, educational, professional, and relational. I may have left some areas out!  That means I have to grow more.

What does this all mean?  I am thinking I'm clever, because PG means parental guidance in the movie rating industry.  I guess, for me and Bill, my husband, that meant and still means, help our children, now adults, continue to evolve as people.  And, that goes for the two of us as well.

As young parents, I believe the greatest task at hand, is first to keep your kids safe.  And, that is no easy job!  Yikes... I have lost weight chasing young Max, our grandson, around.  First is this task, and that alone is hard.  Then, comes providing opportunities and experiences for mental and educational and experiential growth.  This is the fun part!  Outings, excursions, play, and just about anything you, as parents can think of, that will help your kids see the world and themselves differently.  Emotional growth, well this is a HUGE one, in my book!  To love your children well, and through that give them the skills to love others well, first and foremost themselves.  By providing the right experiences for your children to feel and receive love, you do one of the most important things in creating a wonderful human being, one that has the capacity to give back to others, and to the world at large.

As our children grow and age, we then have some of the bigger tasks of helping them find the right educational settings for their cognitive and intellectual development.  Arguably in the right school setting, kids will have opportunities to grow in all the categories.. and as each of us knows, making it through junior high is no easy task! :)  The educational setting and settings we are able to provide for our children do not need to be financially daunting to be good.  The idea is to be involved to care, to help and to guide.

To guide.. ultimately this is the task throughout life.  To guide our children in all ways, and through all the stages of growth to become their best self.  And, that is our own goal too.  To be a guiding force through how we handle our own lives.  The good, the bad, and the ugly. What we do sets an example for our kids, and to do that does not require perfection.. just honesty.  Actually, our kids learn more from watching how we handle adversity I think.  What we do matters, as well as what we say.

So... today, go ahead and grow... you and your kids!  I guarantee it will be interesting and fun.  Your kids may even teach you a thing or two if you are open to it!

My lunch friend is going to plan a trip to a new place she has never been.  I am planning for my very first video shoot this Saturday for my author profile.....

What are you going to do?

Until next time,


Monday, July 14, 2014

New Website!


Thanks to someone far far younger than I... I now have a new website...

Thank you Matt Yates!!  To scare everyone... I actually taught Mr. Matt Yates when he was 3 years old!  Now he is off to college. :)

Until next time!


Friday, July 11, 2014



I am sitting in my local Starbucks watching a young couple and their new daughter.  She is about 3-4 months old.  They are mesmerized by her!  She is talking and cooing and they are in complete love with her. She is perched on the table like a trophy.

When I got here, I was attempting to read about how to write my business plan for Max and Bear.  But honestly, I have been just watching this family.

I am always fascinated by the joy a baby brings.  I know that throughout all of history, having a baby is not news.  But, it strikes me that if that baby is yours, or someone you love, it is always miraculous.  

It's summertime, and families have their kids around more, usually.  So, if it is one of those days when you aren't sure what to do, just enjoy.  Kids change and evolve and become someone new each day!

Celebrate and experience the joy that comes from watching the person or persons you have made.

If however, they are being terribly grouchy or challenging, you can always do what I did during those times and say they are "My husband's children."

Until next time,
